I always liked to imagine that if I was in Peter's place when he stepped out of the boat, to walk to Jesus that I would have made it the whole way. Then reality hits me. Things in life happen and I want to run the other way. I want to stay in bed and pretend its all just a bad dream. But I can't do that. There are people who depend on me and I am forced to get moving. It's then I realize I don't even have faith the size of a mustard seed.
I used to think that scripture was weird. “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move that mountain.” Surely everyone that calls themselves a Christian has faith bigger than that right? Why aren't mountains moving? Again reality hits and it all makes sense.
When something bad happens what's the first thought that comes into our heads? If we are honest more than likely its, “Why didn't God step in?” “Where is He anyway?” Our questions show our lack of faith. We don't even think it may be our own fault. How much time do I devote to God? How much do I really put into the relationship? If I do spend a lot of time with God then I would recognize that its not in His nature to watch His children suffer. He allows us to go through things so that we will spend more time with Him and searching for Him. He wants our lives to shine for Him. When we stop shining, He allows things to happen to get us back on track. Let's face it. This world we live in is not our home. Its a temporary place filled with disappointments, hurt, and sin. We have joy at times, it's not all gloomy. But we will never truly feel at home this side of heaven.
Getting back to our faith. Could you just imagine if we all could somehow attain faith the size of a mustard seed. Have you seen a mustard seed? If not, check it out. One tiny mustard seed is not big at all. If we all could have that kind of faith, even in the tough times, mountains would be moving.
Imagine the difference we could all make. If we could actually show God's power in our lives. If people saw that power we wouldn't be begging others to attend church with us for special events. We would have trouble finding space to fit everyone, because they would all want what we have.
Miracles would be happening more, people would be kinder to one another. The sick would get the help they need. People would be taking in the homeless. Debts would get paid. We would be a family instead of everyone out for themselves. It would be the closest thing to heaven on earth if we all stepped up to the plate. You may be thinking, “I don't know what I can do.” Or, “But you don't know what I am going through.” That may be true. We all go through things though. Paul was flogged and left for dead. Stephen was actually stoned to death. Many disciples were beaten and died martyr's death. There are still Christians today being persecuted and killed. Death does not scare them away from helping. Many are reaching out to strangers in a foreign land. People put their lives on the line for someone they never met, just to get the chance to help them. How do they do this? They have faith. Are they super human? No, they just believe the Word of God and live their lives like they do. I want to have faith like that. That is where I want to go. Are there obstacles in my way? Of course. But when I get that faith as big as a mustard seed, those mountains will come crashing down. I pray the same will happen for all of you.