Why is it we have no problem giving our opinions on politics? When asked, or even when not asked, we share our thoughts on what we believe is right or wrong. We don't hesitate to share what is on our mind. But when it is really important we hide our faces and hope that no one sees that we are not speaking. Recently at our church we hosted a domestic violence community discussion night. I learned that for too long silence has been allowing the tragedy of domestic violence to go on.
Many times there are warning signs right in front of us. There are women, children, and men in trouble and sadly we only make time when something has happened. We often times end up offering condolences for a life taken before it should have been. We raise money to help the children left behind. What if we could do something before tragedy strikes?
We can. You and I can do what we are called to do and be the voice for those who cannot speak. We can invest our time in getting to know our neighbors. If we see something that looks suspicious, instead of making judgments or looking the other way because we feel it doesn't involve us, we can offer our ears to listen. We can be the shoulder to cry on. We can be the friend that offers to go with someone to get counseling.
It is not our job to fix the person or their problem. You aren't called to solve the issue, or even to give your opinion. You are called to love. You are called to be there for your family, friend, neighbor, or whoever God has put in your life. And I believe God has given us many talented, and knowledgeable people to help in these situations. There are people who have devoted their studies and lives to knowing how to help. One of the biggest ways you and I can help is to get to know the people at our local shelters.
Technology today gives us no excuse for saying, “I don't know how to help.” Just a few minutes of research can lead you to pages of information on the internet that you can share. Donate your time, money, and resources to a local shelter that assists families affected by domestic violence. There are so many jobs we can do. Help sort donations, file paperwork, use the talents we have been given to teach a class. The ways you and I can help are endless.
I urge you today, to look into your hearts and find the love for others. Be the voice for those who cannot speak. Help the scared and frightened find the empowerment they need. Be the hope for the hopeless. Love the unloved. Together you and I can help to win the fight against domestic violence.