We all go through hard times. We can see the road ahead of us but we can't get through this giant, immovable road block. I've been there and know I can easily be there again in life. Its how we handle this time that matters.
I have learned to look into the Word of God to find people who have gone through similar trials. I gain my hope, my encouragement from their stories. Instead of believing the lie that I am alone, I get filled with encouragement that lasts. By reading the Word I also receive nuggets of wisdom that I can use.
Just recently I read a story in the Bible that did all this for me. I read about the life of Jochebed. If you are like me you might not recognize the name but you know her story well. She is the mother of Moses. When Jochebed was pregnant with Moses her country was in chaos. It was not the time to give birth to a son. All the baby boys being born were ordered by the king to be killed. Jochebed though does not lose not worry when she gives birth to a son. She instead risks her life and keeps her son.
She hides the fact he's a boy as long as she can. When she can longer do this she then does an amazing thing. She places her faith and trust in God. Jochebed puts her baby boy in a basket and into the river. I have always missed one part. The river she puts him in is the same river that all the babies are being told by the king to be drowned in. She though puts her son in to give him life. What blind faith!
This story amazes me when I look at it from her perspective. Jochebed was faced with difficult decision after difficult decision. She had to make choices that would affect her life, her families life, and this baby's life. Not once though did she stop and get overwhelmed with worry. Not once did she give up and lose hope. She put her faith in the One who would not fail her and she trusted He would take care of everything.
Moses went on to become a great man. He was the one who led the Israelites through the desert into the Promised Land. Jochebed's other son Aaron became High Priest. Her daughter Miriam became a prophetess. Her legacy lived on through the lives of her children. Her faith led to great things. Though she did not raise Moses for long, she was with him for a short time. This should speak volumes to us and could be a whole other blog for another day.
We can learn so much from her life. When you face difficulties that seem to have no answers, put your trust in the One who will not fail you. Humans will fail you. People will hurt you, give you bad advice, but your God will not. If you turn over your troubles to Him, He can take care of them. He knows the best plan for your life, if only you will trust Him.
I have learned to go to Him first now. Whenever I face something I have no control over, instead of letting fear paralyze me at a roadblock, I go to my God and give it to Him. I have learned that He knows what is best. Even when my problems can't be fixed right away, I know its all in His timing. I know when I give it over to Him, He has the best outcome for me.
I want to encourage you today if you feel like you cannot move, that you are trapped in your trials, to go to God and just let go. Don't let fear paralyze you. Show courage amidst your trials. Put your trust in the one worthy of your trust. Read in Exodus 1 the story of Jochebed again and learn from her.