Have you ever had things not go your way? Did you just want to pitch a fit and let the world know you were not happy? I think at times we all have. Let's face is the world is full of humans and we are bound to run into someone who will upset us at some point in our life. We'll get some news by phone that we just didn't want to hear. We'll go to bed at times and wish we could have a do over for the day.
So now that I have convinced you it will happen, what's next?
For me I have learned that there doesn't always have to be a next step. Just because you get upset does not mean that you have to vent it all. And also, at the same time don't walk around with a fake smile. Those closest to you will notice it. Sometimes you just need to take a time out. Think about what is really bothering you. Have you given it to God yet? Have you prayed about it? If you answer no to either of these then you should do that first, before opening your big mouth. Lessons I am learning lately. Why do we have to do something first to realize it wasn't a good idea?
The world is watching you. How you handle yourself in any given situation says a lot about who you are. Do you want people to know you as disagreeable and selfish, always having to have the last word? Or do you want people to see you as patient and in control of your emotions. Emotions aren't a bad thing as long as they are not used improperly. If you use your emotions or problems to hurt others, its wrong. You don't have to hurt someone to make a point. Words once spoken cannot be taken back. Once they leave your lips they are out there. If they are words spoken out of line, or at the wrong time they will be remembered most. Do this for a test if you don't believe me. On one side of a piece of paper write down all the things you can think of that people have said to hurt you. On the other side write down all the things people have said to encourage you. Which list is longer? If you are honest, the negative side is usually longer. Not necessarily because people have said more wrong things to you, but because there are raw emotions tied to those negative words.
And what if you are the person who has made someone else's day bad? Let's face it, not one of us is perfect, so at times we will be the one to upset others. More times than not it will be the people we love the most, too. We feel safe hurting them, because we know they will still love us. If you have hurt someone lift them back up. Apologize, and then take it one step further. Do something positive for them. Make them feel loved.
Love is the bottom line. We all want to feel accepted and loved. Treat others this way and they will want to treat you the same way. Stop abusing the ones you love and start loving them like they deserved to be loved. Start with fixing yourself, and let the others in the world do the same thing. You can't change someone with anger, but you can with love. You can make their life better.
Isn't that what Jesus did? He didn't make the prostitutes, or the tax collectors feel worthless. He showered them with love and He changed their lives. I read a fictional short story lately about a grumpy angel. He was a man who was grumpy his entire life and then given an assignment as an angel to help three people. He was really cranky at first and then he saw how the other grouchy people made others feel. His heart began to soften. He felt remorse for how he had treated his own family and became a very happy angel. God was so impressed with how much he had changed, He gave him a second chance. It was a cute little story with such a powerful message. Take your second chance now and make things right.
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