Recently I injured my left foot and had to walk around in a big cumbersome brace. I needed to give my foot time to heal so that one day I could take off the brace and walk on it again. As I was going through this I began to think about life.
In life sometimes we get hurt. Injuries occur and we need to take time to heal. Sometimes the pain goes so deep we are of no use to others, until we have taken time for healing . It’s not being selfish. It’s reality. My foot couldn’t support the weight of my body for a time. Forcing it to do so would have only resulted in further injury.
I believe this can happen in our walk with Christ, too. When we work side by side with other people, we can expect to get hurt sometimes. Sometimes, we can brush it off and keep going, other times it might hurt too much. It will take time to heal. And that is okay. You can’t minister to others when your heart is in pieces.
You need to take some time. In His word, Jesus says to the people, “Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) We need to listen to His wise words and allow him to be our place of refuge. Let Him be our strength when we have none. He can be the brace that keeps us on our feet. Rest in Him, and then get back up.
When you are ready, you can return to ministry. You can help others once you receive the help you need. But let me caution you never to get to the place where you think you don’t need to rely on Jesus for His strength anymore. Unlike the foot brace that can come off and be put away in storage, you always need your Savior by your side. Keep Him there in the good times, too and maybe the next time a storm comes along the blow won’t be so hard. Your fall may not be as hard and the injury will not take as long to heal.
Be encouraged. Just like my foot healed and I was able to walk again, your heart will heal and you will be able to help again.
Wise advice