Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Do worries and anxieties keep you from enjoying life? Do you feel like you are trapped, hopeless, and alone? Well, STOP! I do not say this lightly, because I was there. I have known what it is like to be so afraid to live, that I choose not to live life. It is not the life you were created to live.

God created you to have life and have it with peace, joy, happiness. (John 10:10) Yes there will be troubles and pain that come your way, but if you believe in the One true God you do not have to worry. (John 16:33) You have the God of the universe on your side. He is there ready to send His angels to battle for you. You are not alone! (Exodus 14:14)

For too long I dwelt in the self pity party of life. I believed the lies that told me I wasn't good enough. I believed the lies that told me that God didn't care enough about my small problems to help me. Then He woke me up to the truth. I am doing a Bible study with a couple of friends right now on fear, and it has opened my eyes. I have read the scriptures we are studying many times, but they never touched my heart before, like they have now.

Let me share just one story that changed my perspective overnight this past week. In Exodus we read of the Israelites finally being led out of Egypt. No longer will they have to be slaves. As they are leaving, they come a river too big to cross. Behind them they see the Egyptian armies chasing after them. They are not coming to have a discussion. They are coming to fight. The Israelites at that moment had a choice to make; run for their lives or fight. Right? But wait, there was another choice. It's the choice that you and I always seem to forget we have. They could stand, be obedient to God, and let Him take care of the Egyptians. God had the perfect solution to their problem.

God always has the perfect solution. If the Israelites chose one of their human ways, it would have been a blood bath. But instead God delivered them in a miraculous way. He made a way for them when it appeared there was no way. He parted the waters and let them ALL cross. Then he flooded the waters again when the Egyptians, in pursuit, attempted to cross. Amazing.

I realized my life was built on the fight or flight thought. If a problem came up I went into either or those modes quickly, without thinking, and nothing was ever solved. In fact it usually got worse and I would have to make another fight or flight decision. Running never solves your problems, you just hide from them. Fighting doesn't solve anything either, and someone usually gets hurt.

Now, I choose to ask God what He would have me to do. I stand, and I wait on Him. It has only been a little over a week and I am still learning but I have to share it has been a peaceful week and I have had some hard attacks thrown at me. I did cry and have a moment of panic but it was a small moment. I didn't run or fight. I decided to go to God with it, and He is giving me the peace to stand. The storms are still going, but I know that He will calm them in His time. He has the perfect answer. I am putting my trust in Him.

 "But you will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the LORD’s victory. He is with you, O people of Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged. Go out there tomorrow, for the LORD is with you!" (2 Chronicles 20:17 NLT)  

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