Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Truth About Pride

If you asked most people if pride was an issue in their life they would probably reply no. But I would argue that pride is an issue in each of our lives. It is so much an issue that we don't even recognize it.
I know for myself I thought I was always pretty humble. Until God began to reveal to me areas where I was prideful. I needed to ask forgiveness and change my way of thinking.

First I want to give you the definition of pride. Pride is a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc. (Taken from dictionary.com)

Pride is thinking highly of yourself. It's feeling you are superior because of something you did. Pride causes you to place yourself above others without even knowing it. You begin to feel important because of an accomplishment you did. Pride has brought about the destruction of many great men. Recently I was reading the story of King Saul in the Bible. His pride lead to jealousy which lead to his demise. He stopped asking God what he should do, and felt as king he could make wise decisions on his own. His first big mistake. False confidence in who we are can make us believe we know what is best for our lives. Wouldn't our Father who created us, know what is best? Then when David came along and he saw God at work in David's life, he became jealous. Often pride will lead to jealousy and vice versa. You become jealous because you see someone else doing what you want to be doing. Then you become prideful because you think you could do it better than them.

Think back to when you were a child. You parents had to constantly remind you that they knew what was best for you and that is why they set up certain rules. They wanted to protect you from facing unnecessary hurts. As a teenager I remember thinking of their rules and God's rules as just things they made up to keep me from having fun. I thought I knew what was best for me. You know where that thinking got me? I ended up a pregnant teenager forced to grow up before it was time. I faced a lot of hurts and hard times that could have been avoided if I was willing to listen to parents who love me.
God loves us,too. He loves us so incredibly much He sent His Son to die for us. He wants to be close to us. This is why so many times in the Bible, He cautions us not to be prideful. We can't have a true relationship with Him, when we are prideful. He gave us life. He provides every breath that we take. All that we do, we do because of Him. He has given us our talents and abilities. He has gifted us with everything. In return He wants us to remember Him. If you have a talent, thank Him. Even now as I am typing these words, it is not me speaking. It is God speaking through me. He has put the passion in me to write. He speaks to my heart and tells me what to share. I take no credit if my writing touches anyone. I am only being an obedient vessel for Him to use.

We all need to get to the point in our lives where we recognize God for He who is and what He has done. We would not exist if He chose not to create this world. He chose to give us life. He wants us to choose Him. Do you want to thank God? Then serve Him with all your heart. Give Him the credit for the work He does through you. Don't think more highly of yourself. Don't let your pride separate you from the One who can change your life. Stop trying to do everything on your own. Allow Him to help you. It's what He longs to do. He is our Heavenly Daddy reaching out His Mighty hands to us, waiting or us to reach back up to Him.

When you get to the place in your life where you become truly humble, you will find you are truly happy. We weren't created to rule the world. We were created to serve the world. Jesus is the greatest example of this. He got down on his hands and knees and washed the dirty, grimy feet of His disciples. He gave up His life for you and me. He didn't order anyone else to do it for Him. When you get the point when you surrender and say, “God take over,” get ready. He will do some amazing things in your life.

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