Monday, May 3, 2010

Have Faith

Think about all the relationships you have in your life. Who is someone you know you can count on? Someone you know will always be there for you. You believe in that person. When you believe in someone you have faith in them. How does that faith come about? Over time as you have gotten to know the person, you know who they are. You know when you can count on them. You know if they are reliable or not. This relationship is not instant and it takes effort. It takes time. It is something that needs to be built up.

The same can be said of your walk with God. You believe in God because you have faith in Him. You have faith that He will hear your prayers when you call on Him. You have faith that though you may be having a rough time now, there is hope for the future. If you were to look up faith in the dictionary you would find something interesting. Faith is confidence and trust in someone. Faith is also defined as a belief not based on proof. Wow. Did you catch that? Faith is a belief not based on proof.

Faith is like the games you played with your friends when you were younger. When someone would be blindfolded and not able to see their surroundings.. Then you would ask that person to fall back and trust that you would catch them and not let you fall. That is what God is doing. He is asking you to have faith in Him that He is there, and will always be there even though you cannot see Him. He is asking you to trust who He says He is. He may choose at times to reveal Himself to you in different ways. Does it mean He is not there if you can't see Him? Of course not. Just like your friends wouldn't let you fall to the ground. At times it may seem like you can't even feel or hear God. But I encourage you to hang in there. He is always there. Sometimes He has us go through things so that our faith can be built.

Other times you friends may blindfold you and lead you down a path where there are obstacles in the way. You have to trust that they will guide you down the smoothest possible path. God is also like that. Some times we can't see where the paths in life will take us and what along that path will hurt us. But our loving Father does. He wants to be like that best friend and lead you down the path where you will survive. Its the best path for you and He knows that. Sometimes He puts the obstacles up where we shouldn't be going. We at the time; think He is withholding from us. But we can't see what all the consequences are of the choices we might make. He has made a promise to us, that He will not let us go through more than we can handle. He wants to keep that promise to us. I have noticed that at several time in my life when I have gotten stuck behind a slow driver, I have been saved from being involved in a car accident. I always get the goosebumps and thank God immediately. I know He has intervened and saved me from tragedy. Other times there has been a cop ahead. He spared me the price of getting a ticket.

I have believed in God almost my entire life. I have gone through dry spells where I wondered where God was. I questioned why He allowed the dry spells. And then after I got through those hard times, I learned a lot more about myself and about my God.
I learned that though I am totally weak on my own, if I trust in Him and His strength, nothing is impossible for me. I have learned that He allows me to be tested so that I can be refined. He can't use me if I have things in my life that would get in the way. Sometimes He needs to clean us up a bit to get us ready for the work He has ahead. He needs us to learn that we can rely on Him, and that He is enough. Friends, family, spouses, they will all let you down. They are all human and at some point in your life they will hurt you, just as you in turn will hurt others. We may not set out to do so, but our humanness gets in the way. We can't escape who we are.

I would much rather go through life blinded and having faith, then to go through this life in the dark. I remember the times, I thought I could go it alone. They are some of the darkest and saddest times in my life. Blind faith is 100 percent better than no faith.

I can promise you if you let go of all your preconceived notions that you may have of who God is, and take a leap of faith, He will show you who He is. It may not be in the way you think. He is after all the Creator of the universe. He doesn't exactly fit into any box. He defines who He is, we don't. He tells us who He is.
Remember faith is not based on proof. Stop searching for all the answers and waiting for everything to line up. It may not ever fit the equation you want. Have faith.

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