Tuesday, June 26, 2012

God Doesn't Need Us, He Wants Us.

Sometimes I believe we get so caught up in believing that God needs us to do something for Him, that we fail to recognize who God is. We can get into real danger of feeling bigger than we are, and believing that we are more important than we are. We need to stop and make sure that God is in His proper place before we begin anything He has called us to.

God is all powerful, omnipotent, creator of the heavens and earth. He is everywhere and no building can contain Him. (Psalm 104, Psalm 96, Isaiah 66:1-2) He spoke through a burning bush to Moses, He flooded the earth, He gave up His own Son to save us. That is who He is.

We tend to tell ourselves that God needs us to do His work. I’m not sure that “need” is the word God would use. He desires us to do His work. He wants us to receive the blessings from serving Him. He desires to reward us. But, no He doesn’t need us.

When we start believing God needs us, we also begin to elevate ourselves higher than we ought. We make ourselves feel self-important. We start to feel worthy to be recognized. “See what God had me do.” “Oh, I must be important to Him.” WRONG! He used a donkey to talk in Numbers 22:28. He doesn’t need you or me.

If we want to work for God, we need to humble ourselves and put ourselves in the right place. We are sinners, prone to make mistakes on a daily basis. If it wasn’t for His grace and mercy we would be nothing.

We are weak. Some of us have fears that consume us. If I see a mouse, it sends to me running to the highest point and screaming at the top of my lungs. Recently a grasshopper jumped at me outside and you would have thought I was being attacked by a bear. I am a lot bigger than these things, yet I am reduced to a shrieking woman. Why? I am human. Simple but true.

Fears are in all of us, but not God. He reduces cities to dust. He has killed people for lying to His Holy Spirit. He has no fear. He can use us and give us strength when we submit to Him. When we admit who we truly are, we can become powerful in Him.
So examine your heart. Realistically face who you are. Recognize who God is. You will be able to do so much more for Him, when you partner with Him. God doesn’t need us, He wants us.