At times we allow our minds to wander off the path. We start to think that we can handle life and anything that comes up. We begin to rely on ourselves. Before we know it we are off on our own and don't know how we got there. Its been so long since we allowed God to help us or even asked for His help. Can I really ask for His help now? Will He remember my voice? Do I remember how to talk to Him? Is it too late? Does He even love me anymore?
These are the questions we ask ourselves. And sadly sometimes we answer ourselves with the wrong answer. In our human minds we can't imagine the forgiveness that God holds in His hands. We can't imagine the love that He has for us. Humans aren't capable of it so we limit God and think He is not capable of those intense emotions. But He is. He is more than capable. The love He has for us is so overwhelming. There is nothing we can do to ever push Him away forever. He always wants us back. He is always waiting there with arms open wide ready to hug us. We just have to whisper the words and He runs to us. He picks us up with tears and a huge smile and says “I love you child.”
At times we can feel like God isn't there. We don't see the need to have Him around. He has done too good a job at taking care of us. He has spoiled us with His provision. He has helped us out of so many tough situations. He saved us from heartache we didn't even know was coming. We take Him for granted. We are selfish and demanding and want more. We learn at a young age to get what we want out of relationships. How many of us have ever been playing with a friend and they upset us, so we tell them, “I am not going to be your friend anymore.” We hope to make them feel what we are feeling. I believe we do that to God, too. We look up at the heavens, and we don't get our way when we want it and so we blame Him. We tell Him we don't need Him anymore.
Its easier to put the blame on someone else. It couldn't possibly be our fault that He didn't answer a specific prayer yet. We aren't the ones who are suppose to be all powerful. He is. We begin to treat Him like this magician. We want Him to wave His magic wand and make everything how we want it. Then when He doesn't we stop talking to Him. It breaks His heart. But you know what? He is still there. He is just waiting for you to knock on the door again. He is waiting for you to take that first step and then He will once again pick you up and welcome you home again.
That is love. That is true, unselfish love. Doesn't He deserve a little more from us? Can't we try and give a little more? I understand that He may be slow to answer your prayer and things may not be as you want them. But don't forget all the prayers He has already answered. Don't forget all He has already done for you. You will never find another friend who will give up their life for you. You will never find another friend who will take you back, no questions asked after hurting them time and again. You need to have Jesus as your friend. He is the only one with the ability to love like that.
Here His plea, “Come home.”
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