Monday, May 10, 2010

Not Just for Emergencies

We all know to dial 911 in emergencies. And if you are a parent you probably have the number to poison control close by in case your little one gets into something they are not suppose to. We are ready to call when we need to. And if we are honest some of us have that kind of relationship with God.

We put God on our emergency list. We call out to Him when we don't know what to do. We expect Him to solve our problems, and in a quick manner. Then when He does we forget how desperately we needed Him. God doesn't want that kind of relationship with us. He wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives. Stop thinking of Him as a genie in a bottle. Don't go to Him just to have your prayers get answered and stuff Him back in the bottle. He is not just for emergencies.

Invite Him into every part of your life. Greet Him in the morning. Thank Him for keeping you and your family safe at night. If something good happens during the day, share it with Him. He is waiting like your parents were on your first day of school. Remember how eager they were to hear how your day went. He wants to hear about your first crush, first kiss, and He'll be there to wipe your tears after your first heartbreak.

He is more than a problem solver. He is your best friend you can share all your secrets with. He's your provider when you need a little extra. He is your Savior. He is your Dad. He saw you play in your first big game. He cheered you on when you ran the bases. He is your biggest fan.

Don't wait for an emergency to reach out to your Father in Heaven. Reach out to Him now. Enjoy the good times with Him. Build on your relationship with Him. Then when the hard times do come, you will know who to run to. He'll be there to clean up the cuts, put the salve on, and hold it together while you heal.

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