Saturday, August 28, 2010

Become Family

I recently watched an intense movie. It was nothing at all like I was expecting. There are two scenes that stay in mind and keep playing over and over. I will purposely not tell you the title of the movie, so hopefully I won't ruin it for you, but to write this blog I have to share the scenes. The first one shows a father and his son holding hands walking towards a ship that will save them from the end of the world. The little boy looks at his dad with tears in his eyes and asks, “why are they saying that.” There are some men who have come to escort the little boy. The dad cannot hear the men, only the son can. The dad is able to figure it out. He was not chosen to go. Only the boy who could hear these voices and was chosen. The boy does not want to leave his dad behind. He is torn. His dad though, insists his son go and tells him they will all be together again.

I watched this story and it really made me start to think. Do we all know people who we love who are not chosen? Who are not serving the Lord and when the end comes we will have to be separated from them? It should cause all of us to reach out even more. We need to do all that we can so that when the end comes our family is with us and not left behind. And if we as humans feel this strong pull, how much more does our Father and Creator long for all to choose Him. He wants all of His children to be with Him. He is holding out His hand and waiting as long as He can so that more will choose Him. His word says, He tarries not because He is unloving, but because He does not want one to perish. He is waiting for His children, to reach back and grab onto Him.

The second scene that haunts my mind, shows a family huddling together waiting to die. They know the flames are coming and they understand the truth. Now all they can do it wait for death. To me these people symbolize the people who waited to long to decide. What a horrible feeling to find the truth after it is too late. It is worse than not knowing. But I do know. I have known the truth since I was six years old. Yes, I have rebelled and tried to walk away when it hurt too much. But my heart always returns. I feel the truth inside of me and it overcomes the lies every time. It burns in me and refuses to be quenched.

So, now I know the truth, what do I do? Do I keep quiet? Do I just pray that things will change? I can't. I feel just a little bit of what our Father does. I feel the pain of those who are undecided. I grieve for them, even though they don't understand why. I long for them to see the truth and be set free. I want the scene to change for them. I want them to be holding my hand getting ready to meet our Creator. I don't want them to be left behind. I believe that is why God has me writing these blogs. I can share my faith, my feelings, and be totally honest. For those of you out there who have questions and doubts, don't give up on finding the truth. Jeremiah 29:12-14 speaks this truth. When you search for me with all your heart, you will find Me. This verse has always had a very special meaning to me because my name means seeker of Truth and this is the verse that goes with it. I was given a plaque with this at a young age and I always remember it. Seek Him with all your heart, you will not be disappointed. Don't put it off. Become a part of the family.

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