Saturday, April 10, 2010

Finding Joy

Have you ever heard such bad news that it knocked the air out of you? Something so utterly shocking and devastating that you felt you lost your reason to live? Where can you go from there? How do you find your way out of the pit before its too late?

If you are blessed as I am, you have something greater than any sorrow. Its so simple really but it requires action. Faith. Faith that the Creator, your Heavenly Dad is there for you. He is your Rock. The only One you can run to and have your tears wiped away. One whom you can put your trust in and not be let down. He becomes your source of strength.

Again you may ask how does knowing God do all this? Through the many blessings of having that relationship. He surrounds you with friends who have compassionate hearts and allow you to cry until you can't shed another tear. He has others praying for you, praying for your situation. The power of prayer is indescribable. Too lengthy to discuss now but I feel another blog coming on that subject in the near future. And, there of course, is always at least one person who speaks the truth into you, as painful as it might be to hear.

I am not God. I am not more powerful, more knowing, and strong. I am weak, easily hurt, mere human. I don't know what's best for people. I don't know the future. I do not have control over any one's life. And you know what, that's okay with me. Because the hurt I feel, the pain in me, is nothing like the pain God feels. His heart is broken even more than mine because of all the hurt, lost, searching souls today. He sees His children, whom He created, turning from Him and going there own way. Not just one, two, or three. But thousands. People you and I don't even know. He feels our pain and He feels the pain of the world. Yet He still has joy. Joy for the ones who have followed Him. Joy for the hope of the others that will come.

I recently have been knocked to the ground and shaken. The pain burned in my chest so bad. I didn't want to be awake for any amount of time, but I couldn't sleep. Are you there now? Do you feel like all hope is gone? Then stand up and trust in the One who has your back. People will let you down. People will disappoint you. It is a lonely place when your trust is in mere humans. So cry out to your Heavenly Dad! Don't fight against Him, join Him in the battle. Pray knowing He is in control. Don't tell Him what to do, let Him show you what He can do. He can restore your joy even in the storm. He can bring you peace when the rest of the world brings chaos.

When you fall, get on your knees and pray like you've never prayed before. I'm not telling you this after a storm. I am still in a storm. In one of the biggest storms of my life. I don't have the answers to when it will end. I only know that it will end. God is in control. He calmed the sea when the boat was rocking on the disciples with just a few words. Be still. His voice is heard above any noise, and His words contain POWER. He only gives us what we can handle. Sometimes it feels like too much, but thats where trust comes in. That is when we allow Him to carry us through. Allow yourself to become weak, so He can become strong.

Surround yourself with friends who know the Truth. Read your Word daily! Pray without ceasing! Draw strength from your Savior, and find joy!

Find joy in the smile of a child. Find joy in the warmth of the sun. Find joy in the promises of God. He will see you through. He will see me through. Claim it for your life.

May the God who gave you life, reach down and take your hand now and lift you out of the pit. May He hold you tightly in His arms, and let you hear Him say, “I love you my child.”

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