Monday, April 19, 2010

Hearing God

Have you ever needed to hear an encouraging word and a friend happens to call you? That is God. Have you ever been listening to a sermon and felt it was just for you? That is God.

Sometimes I think we complicate how God speaks to us. We put God in a box and say, “Okay this is how God talks to people.” Why do we do that? Why do we attempt to limit the Creator of the Universe to our ways. His ways are so much better and are perfect. Why do we imperfect humans try and get in the way?

God doesn't have to speak from a cloud or a burning bush to speak to you. He can speak through every day opportunities, if only you will listen. Sometimes we need to also listen with our hearts and not just our ears.

So many times in my life when I have been dealing with a tough issue, I will turn on the radio. Playing on the radio just at that moment will be a song that speaks to my heart. It will be about what I am going through. This has happened to me too many times to count.

Some days I will just need a sentence to lift my spirits. I will open my daily devotional, and wham! It is exactly what I needed that day. My mom just sent me a desk calendar with a scripture on each day. As I turn the page each morning, it has been exactly what I need.

So many times things like this have happened in my life. Each time they do I can only smile and say “Thank-you God.” I know He knows my heart. He knows what I need and He provides.
When you put your trust in Him, He will not let you down. The key is putting your trust in Him. I have learned the hard way that you need to become vulnerable and let go of control. Know that He will speak into you and He will be there. He won't force His way in, however. You have to let Him in.

Will you try today to do this? Tell Him you are ready to listen. Be like young Samuel and say, “Speak Lord for your servant is listening.” Maybe you're reading this blog today and you don't know God yet. He is speaking to you now. Will you respond? Will you tell Him today that you want to be His? Its easy to do. Just pray:
Father, I know I am a sinner. I have made mistakes in my life. I believe you love me. I believe You sent Your only Son to die on a cross and that He rose again for me. His blood had made me clean. I know I need you in my life. Come into my life. I am yours. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

After you pray this, share your experience with a pastor of a Bible-believing church, or a Christian friend. And most importantly listen for God. He speaks through many ways. Don't put Him in a box and tell Him who He is. Instead, allow God to show you who He is. Your life will never be the same.
God bless you!

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