Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spend Time with God

Do you want to know who God is? Do you want to know what the will of God for your life is? There is only one way to do this. You must spend time with God. Fill your life with Him. The more time you spend with Him, the more you will get to know Him. You wouldn't marry just some stranger off the street would you? No, you spend time with the person. And even if you claim to fall in love at first sight, true love takes time to develop. The love that is able to withstand all troubles takes time to be established. Trust needs to be built. You need to learn what the other person is about.

The same can be said of your relationship with God. You need to spend lots of time with Him to build a relationship. He needs to see that you are committed to Him. When you wake up in the morning, thank Him that He has given you another day. Start out your day praising Him. Read His word, and fill yourself with truth to be able to battle the lies you will face during the day. Arm yourself with the Word of God. It is after all called the Sword. Pray to Him. Let Him know what is on your heart and mind. You matter to Him. He cares about what you're going through. He wants you to be able to pour out your heart to Him. He created that heart after all. He cares about every detail of your life.

Don't let your communication stop there. Put on some praise music on your way to work. Sing out loud. Don't hold back. Give all of yourself to Him. He will be blessed and in turn will bless you. When someone cuts you off or gets on your bumper, you won't be filled with rage if you are filled with praise. When you pull into your parking spot and head into the office, don't leave God in your car. Take Him with you. Put a smile on your face. One of your co-workers might need a smile that day. Just your smile can make a difference.

When you take your lunch break, take a walk and send up a little prayer to God. Let Him know you are still thinking of Him. Ask Him to help you finish your day strong. You don't have to have hours available at a time to pray. You can use just a few minutes. Whatever your day allows.

Soon, you will be heading back home, and singing your heart out again. There is no better way to travel than to do it singing to the Lord. It makes you smile and your heart feel light. When you get home you will enter your house with a good attitude and your family will appreciate it.

Spend quality time with your family. God blessed you with them for a reason. He loves to see families talking, having fun together. He created family. He was once lonely and created us. Relationships are special to God. At night pray again. Ask Him for protection for your family and you. Ask Him to fill your thoughts and dreams with good things.

The more time you spend with Him, the more you will get to know Him. Communication takes time and practice. We have to learn to listen as well as to speak. We don't come out of the mother's womb talking. We have to learn how to speak. I believe children are closer to God than any of us, because they learn at an early stage the importance of listening. Its how they learn everything. Its sad that as we grow we forget that importance and the focus is more on being heard. Make it a priority in your life to spend time with God. Don't let the busyness of life keep you from getting to know Him. It is the most important relationship you have. Treat it like that. Go and spend time with your Heavenly Dad. He is waiting for you.

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